Click "Water Rates" to view article (pdf) published in the Valley Road Runner on Thursday, October 31, 2024.

VCMWD Fire preparedness

With the wildfires in LA, many San Diego retail water agencies are getting numerous inquiries regarding the status and preparedness of their respective retail systems to respond to local fire conditions. VCMWD has received one specific request, to which we responded that our system was operating under normal conditions and pressures and was prepared to respond to any fire-related conditions.

Though this can change, the lack of inquiry may be related to the fact that the VCMWD water system has a proven record of operating under unusual conditions and circumstances. An example of this was the recent incident where the system was operating during the 1st Aqueduct shutdown with several area local Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events underway. With our long-term investments in storage systems and back-up power resources at our various facilities, the District was able to sustain full domestic and commercial water service, as well as meet some dire or emergency agricultural demands. In the more distant past, the system performed well during the major fires of 2003 and 2007.

While we feel confident in our ability to operate under unusual conditions to meet our community's water needs, we remain vigilant to the prospect of a local fire. Operating under our Red Flag Protocol for preparedness and using our system-wide visual assets, our system operators can monitor fire-related conditions throughout our service area. If the need arises, our system has the ability to obtain more water from our wholesale supplier, the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA), as well as use the District’s internal transmission / pumping capacity to move water to certain areas in response to and coordination with local fire agencies under potential emergency conditions.

We sincerely hope that the areas we serve will be spared any fire-related incidents. However, should this occur, the VCMWD water system is as physically prepared as it is reasonably possible to respond to protect the public and communities we serve.

BEWARE:  Phone Scams and Water Utility Impersonators

Please be aware that individuals may try to impersonate Valley Center Municipal Water District staff in person or over the phone. Be advised that our staff does not solicit credit card or any personal information by phone. The District will not demand immediate payment of your water bill by credit card over the phone. Beware as this is a tactic used by phone scams. If you are unsure whether a call you receive is legitimate, please do not provide any credit card information or personal information.

All of our employees carry a district employee badge, wear a district issued uniform and drive trucks with a district logo so they can be easily identified as Valley Center Municipal Water District employees. If you suspect an impersonator is near your home, please call local law enforcement immediately.

To verify the authenticity of anyone claiming to be a representative of Valley Center Municipal Water District, customers are encouraged to ask for proper identification or call the office at 760-735-4500.

Click on image above for more information on the Regional CropSWAP Program.

The San Diego County Water Authority adopted the Permanent Special Agricultural Water Rate (PSAWR), to replace the previous Transitional Program (formerly TSAWR).  The PSAWR Program provides a water rate discount and is open to enrollment for qualified participants.

More information on program eligibility, enrollment instructions or for the enrollment application form.