The Valley Center Municipal Water District’s proposed Lower Moosa Canyon Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) Master Plan Update replaces previous planning documents prepared in conjunction with proposed major developments that are no longer being considered for service and funding of expansion facilities, especially the Lilac Hill Ranch and Meadowood developments. The service area boundaries were reviewed and adjusted based on changes in the County's Land Use designations.
The Master Plan Update focuses on a 20-year planning horizon to determine a) replacement, b) upgrade and c) expansion projects needed to extend the service life of the existing facilities, provide redundancy and enhance reliability and operational efficiencies and meet anticipated growth within the service area.
The VCMWD Board of Directors will consider adoption of Resolution No. 2023-04, approving the 2023 Update to the Lower Moosa Canyon WRF Master Plan, at their Regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
Lower Moosa Canyon WRF Master Plan 2023 Update (16MB PDF)