General Administration

Function Overview

General Administration department provides overall District Board policy implementation, agency administration, and specific administration of the Board of Director's business, legal services, election processes, human resources, employee recognition, district memberships, and public information.

Long-Term Goals

As always, it is the long-term goal of the General Administration Department to implement the policies of the Board of Directors, maintain an efficient and cost effective organization, resume implementation of the Capital Replacement and Improvement Program, preserve local financial resources for local purposes, advocate and protect appropriate wholesale revenue and rate equity for all customer classes, with all efforts aimed toward fulfilling the District’s mission to “Ensure Customer Satisfaction Through Quality Service at the Lowest Possible Cost,” and at all times, “Meets” or “Exceeds” customer expectations.

Also, in this era of declining agricultural activity and related water sales revenues, the General Administration Department will lead the ongoing efforts to more cost effectively operate the water and wastewater systems serving the Valley Center Community through implementing internal efficiencies and external functional consolidations with nearby water agencies.

General Manager - Gary T. Arant

Executive Assistant / Board Secretary - Kirsten N. Peraino