Important News for our Agricultural Customers

IMPORTANT INFO FOR OUR COMMERCIAL GROWERS - Discounted Rates Available for Qualified Customers

In 2020, the San Diego County Water Authority adopted the Permanent Special Agricultural Water Rate (PSAWR) Program to replace the previous transitional program.

Click on the links at the bottom of this page for Eligibility Program Information, Enrollment Instructions, and a PSAWR Enrollment Form.

  •  PSAWR provides an approximate 24% water rate discount, and is open to enrollment for qualified participants.
  • To be eligible for participation in the PSAWR Program and receive the discounted rate, growers must be in at least one of the four following programs:

County of San Diego Department of Agriculture Programs:

1.  Grower's List  Pesticide Use

2.  Active Certified Producers List – County of San Diego

3.  Organic Producers List – United States Department of Agriculture

San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board General Agricultural Order Enrollment Programs

4.  San Diego Irrigated Lands Group 

  • Unlike the previous program (Transitional Special Agricultural Rate - TSAWR), there is no minimum amount of land that must be dedicated to commercial agricultural purposes in order to qualify for the new PSAWR Program.
  • REMINDER – You must complete and submit the PSAWR Enrollment Form and meet the new qualifications to participate in the PSAWR Program.

  Instructions to Enroll in the PSAWR Program (PDF)

  PSAWR Enrollment Form (PDF)