At the present time wastewater service is available to the following areas:
Wastewater Service Area Map
For an application to be accepted and processed, the documents listed below must be provided. Once the application has been accepted by the District, it will be added to the meter installation schedule and installed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Normal installation time is approximately six to eight weeks.
Further guidance, information, and questions may be directed to Engineering Services by calling the District’s office at (760) 735-4500.
Since the late 1990’s, the Valley Center Municipal Water District (VCMWD) has been involved in a wastewater project to serve the properties in the South Village service area. The Woods Valley Ranch project is finalizing the construction of the Woods Valley Ranch Water Reclamation Facility (WVRWRF). Wastewater from the development is conveyed through the gravity collection system to the treatment plant. At the treatment plant the wastewater is processed and discharged as reclaimed water to be used for irrigation on the Woods Valley Ranch Golf Course.
The Lower Moosa Canyon Water Reclamation Facility was constructed in the mid-1970's. While multiple treatment process upgrades have been made over the years, the original core 70’s-era infrastructure is still an integral part of the treatment process and is reaching the end of its service life. Valley Center Municipal Water District Staff was tasked with developing a long-term improvement, funding and implementation plan to ensure that these critical community facilities will continue to meet your and your community’s wastewater treatment needs well into the future. In February 2023, the Board of Directors adopted the Lower Moosa Canyon Water Reclamation Facility Master Plan Update which outlined a 20-year capital improvement planning horizon. A proposed $10.7M, four-phase, five to ten-year multi-phased capital improvement program was recommended that included replacement projects needed to extend the service life of the existing facilities, provide greater operational redundancy, enhanced reliability, and operational efficiencies to deal with changes in waste stream characteristics and flows. Funding for these projects would be from capital replacement reserves, a short and long-term low interest rate loans with repayment from a combination of the current net wastewater revenues and a proposed Capital Improvement Charge intended to be added to the monthly wastewater bill. The new Capital Improvement Charge is proposed at $12 per month per home, or for each Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) for businesses, effective January 3, 2024, and would be in addition to the current and any future increases in the monthly Wastewater Service Charge. For more information or for questions, contact Engineering Department, 760-735-4503.
Capital Improvement Charge Notification Letter (PDF)
Call the District 24 hours a day. After hours and on weekends our answering service will take your number and have our duty crew call you back.
Schedule of Rates Connection Charges
Monthly wastewater charges are based on the type of wastewater system serving your property. Most property in the Moosa area is on a gravity wastewater system, but some parcels above the Lawrence Welk area have a pressure system. All Moosa wastewater service also has a surcharge for electric costs.