Conservation Requirements

The Valley Center Municipal Water District (“District” or “VCMWD”) has officially rolled back mandatory restrictions on water use in place since 2021, easing the burden on customers. On July 17, 2023 the Board of Directors’ approved Resolution No. 2023-29 declaring that conditions necessitating increased conservation are no longer in effect, deactivating the provisions of a Level 2 Drought Response and concurring with the General Manager’s intent to deactivate Level 1 of the District’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan. 

At our July 17 Board Meeting, the VCMWD Board of Directors adopted a resolution to rescind the Level 2 Water Shortage Declaration. This action means restricted watering days are over and VCMWD is no longer requesting customers to reduce their water use.

The Board’s decision was made following Governor Newsom’s Executive Order on March 24, 2023, which allows individual water agencies the flexibility to adjust their Drought Contingency Plans. The Governor’s Executive Order did not rescind the Drought Emergency entirely, and certain water uses that are considered to be wasteful remain prohibited, such as using potable water to irrigate ornamental turf in commercial properties and more. These measures are best practices to make sure we're all water-wise, and they are things that most of our customers already do. To view the full list of voluntary drought and permanent restrictions as detailed in the District’s Board-approved Water Shortage Contingency Plan.

We extend our sincere appreciation to our customers for your continued commitment to improved water efficiency as the State of California shifts towards “making water conservation a California way of life”. Valley Center Municipal Water District partners with other agencies and organizations to offer a variety of Water Use Efficiency tools, including classes and rebates, along with other resources like our WaterSmart Customer Portal.

Sign up for the WaterSmart Customer Portal! Sign up for alerts/notifications that check for unusual or excessive water use which could indicate a leak and use the Self-Service Leak Resolution Process to help pinpoint the source and fix your leak.

The VCMWD Board of Directors and staff commend the efforts made by our customers during the drought emergency, and encourage everyone to remain water wise. Thank you!

VCMWD customers are encouraged to visit our Conservation/Rebate Page on our website to access additional information about conservation and rebates to assist customers in their efforts to increase water use efficiency.

To report water waste, email us anytime at

Learn How to Track Your Water Usage

You can view helpful information and diagrams on how to read your water meter or by contacting our office. You can also find the read date for your meter on your monthly bill.  This information can help you track your usage during each month from the point that the meter is read by District personnel.  If you need additional assistance, please call us at (760) 735-4502.

Reporting Water Waste

If you see water waste, please contact us at 760-735-4502 and leave a message, or email us anytime at at any time with the address, time and nature of the water waste. This information will help us raise awareness of the problem and determine the right course of action.

Non-Functional Turf

To Our Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Customers – 

On March 24, 2022, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted an Emergency Regulation, effective June 10, 2022, banning the irrigation of “non-functional turf.” Non-functional turf is defined by the SWRCB as “turf that is solely ornamental and is not regularly used for human recreational purposes or for civic or community events” - Click to view PDF of SWRCB Emergency Regulations. Please note, this prohibition does not apply to single-family residences or non-functional turf irrigated with private well water. 

Exceptions to this provision are non-functional turf areas that also support non-turf plants and trees, or if they have low water use turf (e.g., Hybrid Bermuda, Zoysia, Common Bermuda, Seashore Paspalum, St, Augustine – Google “Low water Use Grass” for more ideas). These determinations are to be made by the customer. This order is from the SWRCB directly to the Commercial, Industrial, or Institutional water user, and any enforcement action, as set forth in the order, will be carried out by the SWRCB. Other than to provide information about the Order, the Valley Center Municipal Water District will not actively participate in any enforcement action.

District Contacts 

For questions, or if you require additional information, please feel free to contact our Finance Department at 760-735-4502.

Once Again, Thank You for Your Commitment to Use Water Efficiently!


The Board of Directors and Staff

Valley Center Municipal Water District


Conservation Resources